Globisens Win Gold for Most Innovative E-Learning Product
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
At the Gala dinner for the UK E-Learning award competition, which took place at the central London Marriot Hotel, Globisens were announced as first place winner. The award was accepted by the company’s UK partner Mike Carter from TynCan Learning. Within hours the E-Learning awards had released the following message on twitter
“Congratulations to Globisens who take a well deserved gold for their hand held science laboratory tool.”
The “Gold” represents the third consecutive international award won for the Labdisc all-in-one compact science lab with 15 built-in sensors. In addition to this, the Labdisc has also carried home the prominent international Worlddidac Award and Awards of Excellence in the last few months.
Mr. Dovi Bruker, Globisens CEO said “with more than 200 companies applying for this prestigious award, we feel this is a true achievement and validation of our efforts. The award was specifically addressing products that could revolutionize the way learning can be experienced. Wining this award further motivates us to keep on developing products that not only innovate but allow teachers to convey the beauty of science, ensuring it can be more effectively studied and enjoyed by students.”